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EVM Custom Contract Calls

This page defines how to create access control conditions (referred to as evmContractConditions in the code) based on any smart contract call on an EVM (Ethereum) compatible network. You may pass any function ABI, and define the returnValueTest under which access should be granted.

Must have at least 1 share in a given MolochDAOv2.1 DAO​

const evmContractConditions = [
contractAddress: "0xb71a679cfff330591d556c4b9f21c7739ca9590c",
functionName: "members",
functionParams: [":userAddress"],
functionAbi: {
constant: true,
inputs: [
name: "",
type: "address",
name: "members",
outputs: [
name: "delegateKey",
type: "address",
name: "shares",
type: "uint256",
name: "loot",
type: "uint256",
name: "exists",
type: "bool",
name: "highestIndexYesVote",
type: "uint256",
name: "jailed",
type: "uint256",
payable: false,
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
chain: "xdai",
returnValueTest: {
key: "shares",
comparator: ">=",
value: "1",

Must posess at least one ERC1155 token with a given token id​

var evmContractConditions = [
contractAddress: "0x7C7757a9675f06F3BE4618bB68732c4aB25D2e88",
functionName: "balanceOf",
functionParams: [":userAddress", "8"],
functionAbi: {
type: "function",
stateMutability: "view",
outputs: [
type: "uint256",
name: "",
internalType: "uint256",
name: "balanceOf",
inputs: [
type: "address",
name: "account",
internalType: "address",
type: "uint256",
name: "id",
internalType: "uint256",
returnValueTest: {
key: "",
comparator: ">",
value: "0",