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Boolean Logic

Lit Protocol supports boolean logic when checking conditions. Use an object with the "operator" property set to "and" or "or" to combine conditions.

For example, if you wanted to check that the user is a member of a DAO or that they hold more than 0.00001 ETH, you could use the following:

const accessControlConditions = [
contractAddress: '0x50D8EB685a9F262B13F28958aBc9670F06F819d9',
standardContractType: 'MolochDAOv2.1',
method: 'members',
parameters: [
returnValueTest: {
comparator: '=',
value: 'true'
{"operator": "or"},
contractAddress: '',
standardContractType: '',
method: 'eth_getBalance',
parameters: [
returnValueTest: {
comparator: '>=',
value: '10000000000000'

Boolean nesting​

You can also nest boolean conditions. For example, if you wanted to check that the user is a member of a DAO and that they either hold more than 0.00001 ETH or 10 of an ERC20 token, you could use the following:

const accessControlConditions = [